Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today UPS dropped a wonderful package at my door.
Sharon Rehberg sent some wonderful class memorabilia -

I have to get my scanner fixed before I can post any, and I can hardly wait -- there are some wonderful photos and newspaper articles and some great black and white photos -- you remember them? Before digital LOL -- just the sort of thing that will keep our little class blog interesting. I have one more from Nancy Braddock and one from Joe Ceresa to be posted -- Thank you all for your contributions -- and please, all the rest of you, share what you have -- we would all love to take a trip down memory lane -- I know of the things Sharon sent some brought a smile and some a tear -- but all brought great memories.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Reunion Photo ~ The Morning After......

Thanks to Nancy Braddock , we have a new photo for our blog.

Nancy says:

"This was taken the morning after our 50th reunion - Sarah Kirkpatrick, Ruth Wilson, Mary Lawrence, Norma Dunn, Yvonne Andersen, Ginny Saum, Nancy Braddock, Gayle Timm, Karen Kirkhuff, Linda Sokody, Margaret Lawrence, Nancy Neville, Sue Leonard - outside Alexanders restaurant."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Band Photos???

Does anyone have any photos of the band? Or the group that met at Elaine Behling's house after football games? What fun memories.

Need your help...........

OK, the holidays are over -- now it's time for YOU to contribute to our class blog. I know you have photos or interesting things to post -- just send to me at

I don't have a lot of "stuff" anymore -- lost most of it in a house fire years ago -- so, please, to keep this going, help me out. If I don't hear from anyone, I'll figure you aren't interested.

In the meantime, here's a photo of members of the EHS class of '54 -- this is Miss Johnson's kindergarten class at Garfield. If you see yourself, please send me an identifying note -- Or, just below the photo you will see COMMENTS --- click on that and add you information there.
Don't forget to click on the photo to enlarge it.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Elgin site that is fun to check out....

If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check out the site "You Know You're From Elgin When......."
There are tons of photos and comments -- the site is open to all -- so have fun.

Click HERE to check out the site and have fun.